AP Human Geography
Research Assignment
Students will
complete a research paper between 1000-1,500 words with popular culture as
the general theme. Papers must be typed
in accordance with MLA style with a minimum of five sources.
Below are some examples of research questions. Students may formulate their own research
questions, but they must be approved by Dr. Haley. Assignment is due in three weeks.
General Research Question:
How has popular culture affected my cultural hearth? (too broad)
What effect has rap music had on ____________ youth?
Examples of
appropriate research questions:
Should countries block Western
media outlets to prevent culture loss?
How has Western shopping values
affected your cultural hearth?
How does consumer culture
influence holiday rituals?
How has American consumption
affected your cultural hearth?
How is Chinese pollution
connected to American consumerism?
Should China or India be held to
the same pollution regulations as the US?
How has an invention (television,
cell phone, etc.) influenced your cultural hearth?
What values and ideology are
expressed by __________ (identify TV program)?
“Methods to collect information include, but are not limited
to: selection of sources (type and
range); questionnaires; surveys; interviews; observation; experiments;
measurement; use of statistics and databases; formulation of questions.”
“Methods to record information (electronic or paper), include
but are not limited to: note-taking and
summarizing; production of tables, graphs, maps, checklists; production of
MindMaps; indexing; creation of visuals such as timelines; production of
Source: International Baccalaureate Humanities Guide,
Suggested vocabulary:
Popular culture; folk culture; traditional folk societies;
mass media; consumerism; conspicuous consumption; non-material and material
aspects; cultural imperialism; neo-colonialism; diffusion; globalization;
modernity; cultural landscape; physical landscape; custom; artifact;
syncretism; cultural change; technology; individualism; innovation; division of
labor; transculturation; core-periphery
model; socialization
Note: The above
vocabulary is just a sampling. Students
do not have to use every word, but must address many of these concepts which
are appropriate.
Rubric: Each criterion is worth 10 points. (Note that this provides opportunity for
extra credit.)
_____ uses human geography terminology appropriately
_____demonstrates detailed
content knowledge through description, explanations, and examples that make for
a well-supported argument
_____formulates and addresses a clear and focused research question
_____formulates and follows a detailed action plan to investigate a research question
_____uses methods
accurately to collect and record appropriate and varied information consistent
with the research question (see Notes)
_____completes a detailed analysis of argument
_____effectively analyses, evaluates, and documents a range
of sources in terms of origin and
purpose, recognizing values and limitations (Remember, every source has a view
point that could be biased.)
_____interprets different
perspectives and their implications
_____communicates and
information and sources effectively by
using MLA style
_____structures information and ideas in a well-organized format
_____writing conventions
and formatting (double-spaced, page numbers, font, spelling, grammar,
punctuation, proper indention, capitalization)
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