Common Core:
- Citing textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
- Comparing and contrasting treatments of the same topic in primary and secondary sources.
- Produce clear and coherent writing
- Why do people migrate?
- What is the history of forced migration?
a. identify the 5 factors of migration (review)
b. bullet the push and pull factors for your ethnicity's immigration into the US
c. compare interview or research data to Barron's
2. share with LP
3. share with whole group
4. collect interview homework
5. share with learning partners main ideas, etc. from readings. Decide on the one best question raised.
i. highlight or note important points
ii. circle or note and look up confusing words or phrases
iii. estimate main idea per section
iv. raise one important question per section
discussion on important question
Homework: finish sections of Barron's Population Geography. Review figure 3.12. Be ready to address questions on Tues.
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: What is an example of forced migration?
collect homework
Review Population Test Secs. 1 & 2
African Slave Trade Colonial Period
Model graphic interpretation
Draw 8 conclusion from Figure 3.12.
Review Thomas Malthus' theory on population. Take a pro or con side and identify at top of paper. Bullet reasons for your choice. Use Barron's, Rubenstein, and Internet research for your evidence. You can use note cards as cues, but you cannot read directly from them. Judges and moderator must know both sides of issue.
Be ready to defend in debate on Monday, Oct. 1.
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he believe?
divide students into pro and con Malthus
appoint moderator, time keeper, and 4 judges
Explain Malthus' line graph on Figure 3.17
Homework: Take detailed notes on "Population and Sustainability"
Detailed Notes:
at least 5 main points
vocab. or concepts that you do no understand
at least 2 questions you would like to discuss
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he believe?
debate practice
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: What is an example of forced migration?
collect homework
Review Population Test Secs. 1 & 2
African Slave Trade Colonial Period
Model graphic interpretation
Draw 8 conclusion from Figure 3.12.
Review Thomas Malthus' theory on population. Take a pro or con side and identify at top of paper. Bullet reasons for your choice. Use Barron's, Rubenstein, and Internet research for your evidence. You can use note cards as cues, but you cannot read directly from them. Judges and moderator must know both sides of issue.
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he believe?
divide students into pro and con Malthus
appoint moderator, time keeper, and 4 judges
Explain Malthus' line graph on Figure 3.17
Homework: Take detailed notes on "Population and Sustainability"
Detailed Notes:
at least 5 main points
vocab. or concepts that you do no understand
at least 2 questions you would like to discuss
Common Core: Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis.
Essential Question: Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he believe?
debate practice
Homework: practice debate arguments.
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