Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week of Nov. 19-21

Nov. 19
Review vocab using web site

Essential question:  What were the border conflict involving East and West Germany?
Warm-up:  one minute write:  Write everything you remember about the Berlin Wall.  Share with LP.
Take a virtual fieldtrip to the Berlin Wall
Homework:  Explore your hearth's connection to colonialization. Be ready to explain the following:
      How your hearth was either a colony of a more powerful state OR was a colonizer of a weaker state?
      Today does your hearth tend to be an imperialist state or has it been imperialized?  If so, how?  Print out your information and highlight important points. 

Nov. 20
Essential question:  What is the difference between colonialism and imperialism?
Jigsaw Rubenstein--244-247
Promethean Board of modern Africa
On Promethean Board display colonial map of 1914 Africa and compare it to modern Africa.
Homework:  In a short paragraph, summarize your hearth's relationship to colonization.

Nov. 21
Essential Question: What is your hearth's relationship to colonization? 
Select students will read summaries of hearth's relationship to colonization.
Review hearth colonization assignment.
Homework:  Research the following:
  • Basics of colonial experience:  who, when, where (Introduction)
  • Methods to impose will:  e.g., How was foreign entity able to colonize your hearth? (brief history)
  • How did your hearth gain independence? 
  • What were the economic, political, and social effects of colonization on your hearth? (these usually intersect)
  • How has colonization affected your family? (If there are no effects, you'll have to argue why it hasn't affected your family.)
  • Watch Angola/China neo-colonization (on link)

For Monday:
  • Bring web URLs
  • Have completed introduction
  • Summarize history

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