Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week of Mar. 4th-8th

Free Response test
You will have 25 minutes to answer one free response question.

Review past test and quizzes

Homework:  Begin reading Ch. 7 in Barron's up to "Geography of Modern Agriculture."
Essential Question:  Why is an understanding of agriculture essential in you understanding of the world?

Film: View Global Issues for Students:  Human Rights
Film discussion questions
Homework:  Review Monday's reading assignment paying close attention to vocab. words.

Finish Human Rights film
Address discussion questions
Homework:  Study film notes.

Finish film
film quiz
Review past tests.
Introduce Agricultural Unit
Homework:  Review first section of Agriculture

4th quiz on Human Rights
Promethean Board -- History of Agriculture (Slides 1-17)
Prepare class for Monday and Tuesday.
Distribute Guns, Germs, and Steel questions
Identify Papua New Guinea on map
Homework:  Study glossary vocab.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week of Feb. 25

Feb. 25--Debates
Homework:  Study for Wed. test

Feb. 26 Extended 3rd Periods
Free Response Essay test tomorrow.

Feb. 27
Read "Globalization, Alive and Well" at

1.  Circle unfamiliar words
2.  Highlight main points.
3.  Highlight paragraph that best summarizes Friedman's argument.
4.  Summarize Friedman's argument in one sentence.
5.  Think of a different title for the article.


Free Response practice test
Homework: Print out and read

Address the following:
What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

What evidence does Hedges provide for his argument?
Do you agree with the author? Explain in a full sentence.
What evidence do you offer for your position?


Feb. 28 
Review Hedges Globalization article addressing topics above. 
Note:  Essay test will be Mar. 4.
Homework:  Review vocab. from Hedges article.

Mar. 1
Warmup:  vocab. quiz from Hedges' article
Using computers, research hearth economic indicators. 
Computer research your cultural hearth in terms of
GDP; GNP; NNP; HDI; and PPP.  

Create a typed 10-column and indicate measurements and compare to the US. Due on Friday, Mar 1. Note web site references at bottom of chart.

Complete for homework if not finished.
Homework:  study for Monday's essay test.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Economy Free Response Questions

1.  Identify and explain 4 Institutions of Economic Development.  What are the costs and benefits of dealing with these institutions for the periphery countries?  Extra credit if you can relate these institutions to your cultural hearth.

2.  Discuss the history of US industrialization and the causes and effects of the shifting economic geography of American manufacturing since the 1970s.

3.  Identify and discuss Rostow's stages of development in terms of its assumptions, predictions, strengths, and weaknesses.

4.  Support and/or oppose globalization.

5.  Economic activities are often categorized as being either primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary.

a.  What is deindustrialization?  How does it fit into this categorization of economic activities from a geographic and development perspective?
b.  What are the effects of deindustrialization?
c.  How does deindustrialization fit into the global geography of production that has emerged in the last 30 years?  What are its backwash effects?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week of Feb. 19-22

Feb. 19  4th  "The End of Suburbia"

Feb. 20
Review Practice Test
Homework:  review list of questions for essay test
Check out test tips and Barron's Free Response questions for essay test on Friday.  Review Institutions of Economic Systems.

Students, I was out unexpectedly today, so I hope you took the initiative to make it a productive day.  You should have prepared for your essay test that is coming up when I return.  To prepare, study Barron's Free Response AND the Test Tips.  If I am out tomorrow, you can also continue or begin watching "The End of Surburbia," if you didn't do that today. Take copious notes as I will collect and score these when I return.

Feb. 21
Choose best pneumonic device for learning G8.
Return research
Review debate format and assignments.
     Need moderator, judges, team leaders/organizers, opening and          closing statement speeches, timekeeper.
Essay test will be on Monday. 
Homework:  Practice/research for debates.  Each person should anticipate two debate questions from the other side to ask their side.  Work on essay questions.

Feb. 22
Review Debate format
10 minutes to construct debate questions.
Each side chooses leader who will organize responses.
Group practice for debates.  Students will practice asking questions.
Judges, timekeeper, and moderator decide questions and sequence.
Homework:  Practice debate speeches for Feb. 25th.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Week of Feb. 11-15

Feb. 11
3-minute write (4th--choose one of 4 questions)
Check homework
a. spell out acronym; b. define; c. state purpose; d. state problem or flaw.
Review Promethean Board illustration of Economic Activities Sector
Homework:  Study for test

Feb. 12
Promethean Review
Game Day

Feb. 13
Economy Crossword
Economy Test
Homework:  review confusing economic concepts 

Feb. 14
Economic Systems film clip
Open questions on confusing concepts
Economy practice AP exam
Homework:  study vocab.

Feb. 15
Review what Indians thought about Valentine's Day
Preparing for debate:  Choose a pro-globalization stance or an anti-globalization stance.
Organize debate groups.
Homework:  research arguments for debate

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week of Feb. 4

Week's Objective:  Students will understand geographical concepts of outsourcing; various economic activities sectors; Rostow's Stages of Development.  Students will analyze various economic indicators.

Feb. 4
Check economic activities
Collect economic activities
Introduce outsourcing and Thomas Friedman
Thomas Friedman Reporting: The Other Side of Outsourcing 
Homework:  Review vocabulary.  Vocab. quiz tomorrow.

Feb. 5
Vocab. quiz 
BEEP--Thomas Friedman:  The Other Side of Outsourcing
Collect Notes
Homework:  Study vocab.

Feb. 6
Period 4--Vocab. quiz
Finish Thomas Friedman: The Other Side of Outsourcing
Seminar on Friedman
Essential Questions:
According to Friedman, how has outsourcing changed Indian culture?
What is meant by the Americanization of India?
Homework:  Review Rostow's Stages of Development

Feb. 7
Finish Friedman film
Address critical question
3-minute writeup on critical questions:
How has outsourcing changed Indian culture?
What is meant by Americanization of India?
What is meant by the "Call Center Culture"?
Explain the costs and benefits of outsourcing? 
Homework:  Review Rostow

Reports from "The Secret Side of Cuba." 
Finish Friedman discussion
Rostow's 5 Stages of Development Explain and put in order.
Introduce GDP, etc.
1.  List the Rostow's Stages of Development flaws.
2. Barrons 212-214; construct chart on GDP, GNP, NNP, PPP, HDI.
a. spell out acronym; b. define; c. state purpose; d. state problem or flaw.