Monday, February 25, 2013

Week of Feb. 25

Feb. 25--Debates
Homework:  Study for Wed. test

Feb. 26 Extended 3rd Periods
Free Response Essay test tomorrow.

Feb. 27
Read "Globalization, Alive and Well" at

1.  Circle unfamiliar words
2.  Highlight main points.
3.  Highlight paragraph that best summarizes Friedman's argument.
4.  Summarize Friedman's argument in one sentence.
5.  Think of a different title for the article.


Free Response practice test
Homework: Print out and read

Address the following:
What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

What evidence does Hedges provide for his argument?
Do you agree with the author? Explain in a full sentence.
What evidence do you offer for your position?


Feb. 28 
Review Hedges Globalization article addressing topics above. 
Note:  Essay test will be Mar. 4.
Homework:  Review vocab. from Hedges article.

Mar. 1
Warmup:  vocab. quiz from Hedges' article
Using computers, research hearth economic indicators. 
Computer research your cultural hearth in terms of
GDP; GNP; NNP; HDI; and PPP.  

Create a typed 10-column and indicate measurements and compare to the US. Due on Friday, Mar 1. Note web site references at bottom of chart.

Complete for homework if not finished.
Homework:  study for Monday's essay test.

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