Friday, March 22, 2013

Week of April 1-5

Peer edit Green Rev/Organic Farming essays
Distribute quizzes
   a.  Correct essays.  Final papers due on 4/3/13
   b.  Using or regular dictionary, define GR vocabulary words

India Podcast Vocabulary: 
Chotia Khurd
ground water
water table
Dust Bowl

Collect vocabulary.
Essential Question: Was the Green Revolution a curse or blessing?
Vocab. review (BINGO)
3-minute write

Explain yesterday's homework.
Promethean Board Review
Homework:  From Barron's, outline different types of subsistence agriculture.
Optional homework:
In a paragraph, connect Green Revolution to cultural hearth. (If your Internet is down, you may use library or classroom/IB Internet to get information. If there is no information on GR and your hearth, you may research more stories on India and the Green Revolution.) Paragraphs are due on Monday.

4/4/13 (Early Release)
Warm-up:  Explain the different types of subsistence agriculture.
Promethean Board Review--model how to outline different types of subsistence agriculture.
Outline Esther Boserup's agricultural model.
Homework:  review Boserup's model of transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture

Collect GR/ROF (Rise Organic Farming) essays
Choose student to model Boserup's model.
Review von Thunen
Lynn Henning video
Homework: Answer the following in bulleted form:

Essay Questions for Ch. 7 Agriculture and Rural Geography  KEY
1.  Name and explain the 4 main agricultural revolutions.          
2.  Name and explain the 3 different types of economies that have traditionally governed agricultural production and distribution.       
3.  Identify 6 agricultural hearths.
4.  Identify and explain 2 methods used to cultivate the land.
5.  Identify and explain the different forms of subsistence farming.
6.  Identify Esther Boserup’s five-stage progression from extensive subsistence forms of agriculture to more intensive land cultivation.
7.  What were the results of the Green Revolution?
8.  What were the consequences of agribusiness?
9.  Name and explain 4 types of commercial agriculture.
10.  Draw and explain the von Thunen model               
11.  Explain how biotechnology and agribusiness have had negative effects on periphery countries.

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