Thursday, May 16, 2013


Students, I couldn't get the powerpoints uploaded.  But I think you have enough to review.  GOOD LUCK TOMORROW.  GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP.

Dr. Haley

World Geo. Info.

Geo. Info for all parts of the world

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week of May 13-17

Group vocab. review
Homework:  Study models and vocab

Homework:  Research first 10 Model & Theory checklist

Homework: Study Crash course notes

Ms. Asmar guest speaker
Review test
Review Crash course


Monday, May 6, 2013

Political Review Questions

Rubenstein Group Review Work:

Remember, to adequately respond to a question you must do the following:
  • Define your terms
  • Express your thesis
  • Provide evidence
  • Give details and/or examples

  1. Explain the division of North and South Korea.  Why does the conflict between the two states still exist?  How is the US involved?  (Rubenstein 241
    1. Locate states on map.  (Give their situation.)
    2. Define state.
    3. Express your thesis. (The conflict between North and South Korea still exists today.)
    4. Provide evidence. (In your own words, summarize the history of conflict.)
    5. Explain how the conflict endures today.

  1. Why do boundaries between states cause problems? (247-249)
    1. State your thesis:  Boundaries cause problems.
    2. Define 5 basic states.
    3. Give one or two examples.
    4. Explain the problem of each shape.

  1. In terms of their relationship with the United States, summarize the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.  (264-266)
    1. Define the three states in terms of situation by locating on a map.
    2. State your thesis. (“Conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran have escalated since the end of the Cold War.)
    3. Summarize conflict in each state.
    4. Explain how that conflict endures today.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Conflict in the Middle East

Should U.S. intervene in Syria?

"Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN
     All the features of Syria's civil war that are supposedly the result of U.S. nonintervention bloomed in Iraq despite America's massive intervention there. In Iraq under U.S. occupation, jihadi terrorist of all stripes flourished. They employed tactics that were brutal beyond belief – putting electric drills through people's heads, burning others alive and dumping still breathing victims into mass graves.
     These struggles get vicious for a reason: the stakes are very high. Joshua Landis, America's leading scholar on Syria, points out that Syria is the last of the three great minority-ruled regimes in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the first, the Christian minority was displaced in a fifteen year bloody civil war. In Iraq, the US displaced the Sunni minority, but they then fought back brutally – again a long, bloody civil war. Syria is following precisely that pattern.
     The minority regime fights to the end because it fears for its life once out of power. The Sunnis of Iraq fought – even against the mighty American military – because they knew that life under the majority Shiites would be ugly, as it has proved to be. The Alawites – the ruling sect – in Syria will fight even harder because they are a smaller minority and have further to fall.


Haiti: The world....

Haiti: The world doesn't have any idea...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week of May 6-10

Discuss Dust Bowl write-ups
Collect write-ups
Divide students into groups to discuss points of conflict in the Middle East or North Korea.
Homework:  Review migration notes.  In Rubenstein, address 3 political questions.  Due Friday.

Migration quiz
Divide students into groups to compare how they addressed political questions.  Highlight critical points from each response.
Introduce Haitian newspaper article.  Connect vocab. to article.
Homework:  Read Barron's Ch. 1 

Barron's Ch. 1 Crossword 
Discuss any Ch. 1 confusions.
Promethean Board review
Finish for homework.  Work on Haiti vocab. papers.  Due Thurs.; review Ch. 1

Collect Haiti vocab. papers
Groups take notes, compare to Barron's, make up presentation from AP Human Geography Crash

Collect 3 questions on political geo.
Groups take notes, compare to Barron's, make up presentation from AP Human Geography Crash
Homework:  Study Barrons; study groups

Friday, April 26, 2013

Week of April 29-May 3

Urban Geography test
Homework:  Study migration in Rubenstein.  Pay particular attention to the following:
push/pull factors
migration stream
maps showing these streams
chain migration
net out-migration
voluntary and involuntary migration
areas of refugees
waves of migration into the US
Internal Migration (look at US maps depicting this)
shifting US population centers
The Great Migration
the great migration
Ravenstein's Laws
Gravity Model
Zelinksy's Model of Migration Transition

4/30-May 2
We will devote three days reviewing Migration.  So familiarize yourselves with the above concepts;
Homework:  Keep reading and reviewing Migration.  Study vocabulary especially from packet given beginning of year.

May 3
Finish Migration
1.  Watch Dust Bowl, WXEL, Sat. Check local listings.
2.  Research some kind of political conflict in the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, or Israel and the Palestinians).  Summarize in a paragraph.
3.  Study vocab. words from list given at beginning of year.  If you lost it, do a google search and find an AP Human Geography vocabulary review.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week of Apr. 22-26

Essential Question:  What is the rank-size rule?
Group work:  Ask student-made questions in groups
Whole group:  Ask the teacher
Homework:  Research the urban morphology of your city.  Write a paragraph on it based on the concepts defined in this chapter.

Warm-up:  review rank size rule and compare to primate city rule.  
Essential Question:  What is your hometown's urban morphology?
Proofread hometown morphologies and highlight urban geo. terms.
In groups of 4, share urban morphology of hometowns.  Vote on the best one; place star at top.
Share with group.
Collect paragraphs.
Homework:   Redo urban morphology paragraph; make sure you apply vocab. from urban geography chapter.

collect paragraphs
Essential Question:  What and where are the important cities of the world?
Warm-up:  Identify individual cities' countries listed in Barron's.
Plot cities on a world map. Identify country by coloring and labeling.
Homework:  finish maps

collect maps
Promethean Board review
Homework:  review central place theory

Group work:  explain central place theory to your learning partner
Homework:  Review Urban Geo. for test on Monday

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week of April 15-19

VIS Chart on first 18 words of Urban Geography
Homework:  Finish VIS chart

pop quiz on vocab words
finish VIS charts
Collect evidence of AP score registration
vocab. test Friday

Finish King Corn
Distribute all papers
Homework:  study vocab for Friday quiz

King Corn quiz
Review common errors on writing assignment (Promethean Bd. flipchart) 
Homework:  Review important points from "Historical Geography of Urban Environments" and "Culture and Urban Form".  Construct two questions per section that you would like to ask me or pose to the class.  Study for vocab. test. 

warm-up:  Urban Geo. vocab.
King Corn quiz (Period 4)
Divide into groups of 4 and take turns asking questions that each student composed.
Homework:  Finish reading Barron's Urban Geo.

Getting your AP Scores

After taking your AP Exam in May, you will receive your scores online in July. Scores will not be sent in the mail. To get your scores, you need to go to and create a free online account with the College Board. Students with a College Board account will receive email updates letting them know how and when they can access their scores.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week of Apr. 8-12

Period 3 (Collect Boserup's Outline)
Review essay questions
Promethean Board review
Homework:  Study essay questions for test tomorrow.

Agriculture essay test
Finish Agriculture Promethean Board

Introduce King Corn vocabulary
Begin viewing King Corn

Finish viewing King Corn
Promethean Board vocab. review
Finish King Corn and quiz
Agriculture Test
Homework:  Read Urban Geo. in Barron"s up to "Culture and Urban Form"
Set up an account with  Print out first page to bring in on Monday.

Friday, March 22, 2013

India's Farming 'Revolution" Heading for Collapse

Week of April 1-5

Peer edit Green Rev/Organic Farming essays
Distribute quizzes
   a.  Correct essays.  Final papers due on 4/3/13
   b.  Using or regular dictionary, define GR vocabulary words

India Podcast Vocabulary: 
Chotia Khurd
ground water
water table
Dust Bowl

Collect vocabulary.
Essential Question: Was the Green Revolution a curse or blessing?
Vocab. review (BINGO)
3-minute write

Explain yesterday's homework.
Promethean Board Review
Homework:  From Barron's, outline different types of subsistence agriculture.
Optional homework:
In a paragraph, connect Green Revolution to cultural hearth. (If your Internet is down, you may use library or classroom/IB Internet to get information. If there is no information on GR and your hearth, you may research more stories on India and the Green Revolution.) Paragraphs are due on Monday.

4/4/13 (Early Release)
Warm-up:  Explain the different types of subsistence agriculture.
Promethean Board Review--model how to outline different types of subsistence agriculture.
Outline Esther Boserup's agricultural model.
Homework:  review Boserup's model of transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture

Collect GR/ROF (Rise Organic Farming) essays
Choose student to model Boserup's model.
Review von Thunen
Lynn Henning video
Homework: Answer the following in bulleted form:

Essay Questions for Ch. 7 Agriculture and Rural Geography  KEY
1.  Name and explain the 4 main agricultural revolutions.          
2.  Name and explain the 3 different types of economies that have traditionally governed agricultural production and distribution.       
3.  Identify 6 agricultural hearths.
4.  Identify and explain 2 methods used to cultivate the land.
5.  Identify and explain the different forms of subsistence farming.
6.  Identify Esther Boserup’s five-stage progression from extensive subsistence forms of agriculture to more intensive land cultivation.
7.  What were the results of the Green Revolution?
8.  What were the consequences of agribusiness?
9.  Name and explain 4 types of commercial agriculture.
10.  Draw and explain the von Thunen model               
11.  Explain how biotechnology and agribusiness have had negative effects on periphery countries.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

compare/contrast template

Define terms
Last sentence is your thesis statement.

The Green Revolution
when, what, where, how, results

Organic Farming
when, what, where, how, results
comparative terminology (unlike, in contrast to; however; although; different from; similar to; etc.).

summarize pros and cons
restate thesis
What are the implications?  Why is this important? What does this mean for the future? You may raise important questions.

Compare/Contrast Paper Rubric

Rubric for compare/contrast essay
10 points each
_____correct format for compare/contrast paper
_____logical presentation
_____proper citations
_____research skills
_____clarity (clear organization; appropriate transition; topic sentence)
_____writing conventions
_____Human Geography vocabulary
_____accurate information
_____fully developed
_____relevant (facts and examples are related to the topic)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week of March 18-21

student-made quiz
Essential question:  What is the difference between extensive and intensive agriculture?  Which is the most harmful to the land?  Why?
Address these questions with LP.
Ticket out:  Define extensive and intensive agriculture and state which one is most harmful.
Homework:  study vocab.

agri. practice vocab. quiz
Review the three different types of economies that have governed agricultural production and distribution.
Make a three-column chart listing the three economies that have traditionally governed agriculture production and distribution. Column 1:  list; column 2:  define; column 3: give example.
What kind of agricultural economy dominates your hearth?  If it is mixed, identify the regions and specific economy.
Homework:  finish chart

collect charts
warmup--list the three driving agriculture production and distribution economies
agriculture crossword puzzle
agri. vocab. quiz
homework:  review capital intensive and labor intensive agriculture

Essential Question:  What is the difference between capital intensive and labor intensive agriculture?
On a T-Chart, categorize capital or labor intensive agriculture.
a.  Review agriculture unit. 
b.  Write two questions about two concepts that you do not understand.
c.  Visit an online writing site that explains how to write a good compare/contrast essay.
d.  Write a two-page typed essay comparing the Green Revolution with the rise of organic farming.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week of Mar. 11-15

View Guns, Germs, and Steel
Allow 15 minutes at the end of class to address questions.
Homework:  Study Guns glossary

Write 10 multiple choice questions for Agriculture unit
Homework:  Review Barrons Agriculture

Writing assignment:a.  summarize Episode 1 of Guns, Germs, & Steel
b.  describe one scene that you found particularly interesting
c.  evaluate Guns, Germs, & Steel by explaining why you liked or disliked the film
Homework: Do practice tests at the end of Agriculture chapter

Highlight 5 of your best Agriculture questions
Meet in groups to decide top 5 questions and send to me in attached word documents.
Guns, Germs... discussion questions
Guns, Germs, & Steel vocab. quiz

Homework:  Study Agriculture Unit vocab. for vocab. quiz and student-made quiz.


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week of Mar. 4th-8th

Free Response test
You will have 25 minutes to answer one free response question.

Review past test and quizzes

Homework:  Begin reading Ch. 7 in Barron's up to "Geography of Modern Agriculture."
Essential Question:  Why is an understanding of agriculture essential in you understanding of the world?

Film: View Global Issues for Students:  Human Rights
Film discussion questions
Homework:  Review Monday's reading assignment paying close attention to vocab. words.

Finish Human Rights film
Address discussion questions
Homework:  Study film notes.

Finish film
film quiz
Review past tests.
Introduce Agricultural Unit
Homework:  Review first section of Agriculture

4th quiz on Human Rights
Promethean Board -- History of Agriculture (Slides 1-17)
Prepare class for Monday and Tuesday.
Distribute Guns, Germs, and Steel questions
Identify Papua New Guinea on map
Homework:  Study glossary vocab.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week of Feb. 25

Feb. 25--Debates
Homework:  Study for Wed. test

Feb. 26 Extended 3rd Periods
Free Response Essay test tomorrow.

Feb. 27
Read "Globalization, Alive and Well" at

1.  Circle unfamiliar words
2.  Highlight main points.
3.  Highlight paragraph that best summarizes Friedman's argument.
4.  Summarize Friedman's argument in one sentence.
5.  Think of a different title for the article.


Free Response practice test
Homework: Print out and read

Address the following:
What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

What evidence does Hedges provide for his argument?
Do you agree with the author? Explain in a full sentence.
What evidence do you offer for your position?


Feb. 28 
Review Hedges Globalization article addressing topics above. 
Note:  Essay test will be Mar. 4.
Homework:  Review vocab. from Hedges article.

Mar. 1
Warmup:  vocab. quiz from Hedges' article
Using computers, research hearth economic indicators. 
Computer research your cultural hearth in terms of
GDP; GNP; NNP; HDI; and PPP.  

Create a typed 10-column and indicate measurements and compare to the US. Due on Friday, Mar 1. Note web site references at bottom of chart.

Complete for homework if not finished.
Homework:  study for Monday's essay test.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Economy Free Response Questions

1.  Identify and explain 4 Institutions of Economic Development.  What are the costs and benefits of dealing with these institutions for the periphery countries?  Extra credit if you can relate these institutions to your cultural hearth.

2.  Discuss the history of US industrialization and the causes and effects of the shifting economic geography of American manufacturing since the 1970s.

3.  Identify and discuss Rostow's stages of development in terms of its assumptions, predictions, strengths, and weaknesses.

4.  Support and/or oppose globalization.

5.  Economic activities are often categorized as being either primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary.

a.  What is deindustrialization?  How does it fit into this categorization of economic activities from a geographic and development perspective?
b.  What are the effects of deindustrialization?
c.  How does deindustrialization fit into the global geography of production that has emerged in the last 30 years?  What are its backwash effects?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week of Feb. 19-22

Feb. 19  4th  "The End of Suburbia"

Feb. 20
Review Practice Test
Homework:  review list of questions for essay test
Check out test tips and Barron's Free Response questions for essay test on Friday.  Review Institutions of Economic Systems.

Students, I was out unexpectedly today, so I hope you took the initiative to make it a productive day.  You should have prepared for your essay test that is coming up when I return.  To prepare, study Barron's Free Response AND the Test Tips.  If I am out tomorrow, you can also continue or begin watching "The End of Surburbia," if you didn't do that today. Take copious notes as I will collect and score these when I return.

Feb. 21
Choose best pneumonic device for learning G8.
Return research
Review debate format and assignments.
     Need moderator, judges, team leaders/organizers, opening and          closing statement speeches, timekeeper.
Essay test will be on Monday. 
Homework:  Practice/research for debates.  Each person should anticipate two debate questions from the other side to ask their side.  Work on essay questions.

Feb. 22
Review Debate format
10 minutes to construct debate questions.
Each side chooses leader who will organize responses.
Group practice for debates.  Students will practice asking questions.
Judges, timekeeper, and moderator decide questions and sequence.
Homework:  Practice debate speeches for Feb. 25th.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Week of Feb. 11-15

Feb. 11
3-minute write (4th--choose one of 4 questions)
Check homework
a. spell out acronym; b. define; c. state purpose; d. state problem or flaw.
Review Promethean Board illustration of Economic Activities Sector
Homework:  Study for test

Feb. 12
Promethean Review
Game Day

Feb. 13
Economy Crossword
Economy Test
Homework:  review confusing economic concepts 

Feb. 14
Economic Systems film clip
Open questions on confusing concepts
Economy practice AP exam
Homework:  study vocab.

Feb. 15
Review what Indians thought about Valentine's Day
Preparing for debate:  Choose a pro-globalization stance or an anti-globalization stance.
Organize debate groups.
Homework:  research arguments for debate

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week of Feb. 4

Week's Objective:  Students will understand geographical concepts of outsourcing; various economic activities sectors; Rostow's Stages of Development.  Students will analyze various economic indicators.

Feb. 4
Check economic activities
Collect economic activities
Introduce outsourcing and Thomas Friedman
Thomas Friedman Reporting: The Other Side of Outsourcing 
Homework:  Review vocabulary.  Vocab. quiz tomorrow.

Feb. 5
Vocab. quiz 
BEEP--Thomas Friedman:  The Other Side of Outsourcing
Collect Notes
Homework:  Study vocab.

Feb. 6
Period 4--Vocab. quiz
Finish Thomas Friedman: The Other Side of Outsourcing
Seminar on Friedman
Essential Questions:
According to Friedman, how has outsourcing changed Indian culture?
What is meant by the Americanization of India?
Homework:  Review Rostow's Stages of Development

Feb. 7
Finish Friedman film
Address critical question
3-minute writeup on critical questions:
How has outsourcing changed Indian culture?
What is meant by Americanization of India?
What is meant by the "Call Center Culture"?
Explain the costs and benefits of outsourcing? 
Homework:  Review Rostow

Reports from "The Secret Side of Cuba." 
Finish Friedman discussion
Rostow's 5 Stages of Development Explain and put in order.
Introduce GDP, etc.
1.  List the Rostow's Stages of Development flaws.
2. Barrons 212-214; construct chart on GDP, GNP, NNP, PPP, HDI.
a. spell out acronym; b. define; c. state purpose; d. state problem or flaw.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Week of Jan. 28-Feb. 1

Week's Objective:  Students will understand the Industrial Revolution and subsequent deindustrialization and their compact on human migration.

Topic:  The Taliban
Essential question:  Who is the Taliban; where are they located; what is the conflict?
Warm up--summarize main ideas of Rubenstein Taliban section.
Powerpoint presentation on Taliban
Homework:  review religion in Rubenstein and Barrons
Common Core: Determine central idea of a secondary source.

Religion test
Introduce "Economy"
Homework: Barrons--Read up to "GLOBAL ECONOMIC PATTERNS". Be ready to explain vocab. words listed in these sections. Be ready to address these essential questions:
*What was the Industrial Revolution? How did it change the world during the 1800s and 1900s? How has the de-industrialization that began in the 1970s changed core countries? Make a T-Chart of the costs and benefits of the Industrial Revolution.
Common Core:  Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine cause and effect.

View short piece on Industrial Revolution
Review questions: What was the Industrial Revolution? How did it change the world during the 1800s and 1900s? How has the de-industrialization that began in the 1970s changed core countries? 
Make a T-Chart of the costs and benefits of the Industrial Revolution.

Common Core:  Determine the meaning of words used in text.
Guiding questions:  What is meant by:  maquiladoras, 4-5
Promethean Board selected slides
Read p. 211 and construct a 5-column chart delineating economic activities. 

Save homework until Monday
Film:  Living during the Industrial Revolution
     a.  Short pretest
     b.  watch film/take notes
     c.  film quiz
Homework:  Finish reading Barrons Economy

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week of Jan. 22-25

Go over Semester Exams
 and Religion section homework in Rubenstein

1. Read 168-185 listing and identifying main idea of each section.
2. Read pics and maps on pages 185-195. Identify each graphic and write a one or two sentences reaction to each picture.
3. Read 196 "Taliban Versus Western Values" and "Hinduism Versus Social Equality". Be ready to discuss the Taliban's beliefs and actions. Research the Taliban's connection to the US. Be ready to describe the Hindu caste system.
4. Read 198-203 listing and identifying main idea of each section.

Homework:  Review Religion in Rubenstein

Religion Promethean Board
Homework:  Study religion

Vocabulary: Dalits, rupee, outcasts, untouchable, caste system, Brahmins
film:  Outcasts of India
Finish whole group discussion of religion
Homework:  Study select Rubenstein for Religion test

Religion Test game
Homework:  Study for test

Friday, January 11, 2013

Homework for Jan. 19-21

Homework for Jan. 19-21

1.  Read 168-185 listing and identifying main idea of each section.
2.  Read pics and maps on pages 185-195.  Identify each graphic and write a one or two sentences reaction to each picture.
3.  Read 196 "Taliban Versus Western Values" and "Hinduism Versus Social Equality".  Be ready to discuss the Taliban's beliefs and actions.  Research the Taliban's connection to the US.  Be ready to describe the Hindu caste system.
4.  Read 198-203 listing and identifying main idea of each section.